Thursday, March 6, 2025–5:55 p.m.
-Staff reports-

It’s time once again to “spring forward.”
Remember to set your clock ahead one hour before going to bed Saturday night.
Daylight Saving Rome begins at 2 a.m. Sunday and the time change is a perfect time to remind yourself to change the batteries in your smoke alarm and make sure they are operational.
Smoke alarms with non-replaceable 10-year batteries are designed to remain effective for up to 10 years. If the alarm chirps, warning that the battery is low, replace the entire smoke alarm right away.
Smoke alarms with any other type of battery need a new battery at least once a year. If that alarm chirps, warning the battery is low, replace the battery right away.
Meanwhile, AAA is issuing a reminder about the dangers the time change can have on drivers.
“Adjusting our clocks disrupts the natural rhythm of our days and sleep patterns, raising the risk of drowsy driving, which can lead to a dangerous crash,” said Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman for AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Even though it’s only a one-hour difference, people may experience what feels like a mini jetlag, which can take time to adjust to fully. Bottom line: stay alert or get off the road.”
Common symptoms of drowsy driving include:
- Trouble keeping eyes open
- Trouble keeping your head up
- Drifting from your lane
- Cannot recall the last few miles driven
- Feeling restless or irritable
- Daydreaming or wandering thoughts
“It is also important to pay extra attention near schools, particularly in the mornings,” Waiters continued. “Moving clocks forward one-hour means it will stay dark later into the morning, when children will be on their way to school.”
A 20-year study published in “Current Biology” analyzed over 732,000 car crashes, finding a 6% increase in fatal crashes during the week following the switch to Daylight Saving Time.