Planning commission meets Thursday

Planning commission meets Thursday

Thursday, March 6, 2025–7:45 a.m.

-Staff reports-

The Rome-Floyd County Planning Commission will hear requests for two special use permits and four rezonings when it meets today.

Special use permits for an events venue at 871 Reeceburg Road and a union hall at 32 Brownlow Drive are on the agenda.

A rezoning from Suburban Residential to Agricultural Residential for property at 1429 Bells Ferry Road and a rezoning from Suburban Residential to Community Commercial at 2045 Morrison Campground Rd. will also go before the planning commission.

Applications in the city include

A rezoning from Community Commercial to Suburban Residential at 1 Westlyn Drive and a rezoning from High Density Traditional Residential to Light Industrial for parcels on Hull Avenue.

The planning commission meeting begins at 2:30 p.m. in the Sam King Room at Rome City Hall.