Rome BoE to hold fall retreat Friday

Rome BoE to hold fall retreat Friday

Thursday, December 5, 2024–10:41 a.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Rome City Schools Board of Education will meet on Friday for its fall retreat.

The retreat will be held at Rome City Schools College and Career Academy at 990 Veterans Memorial Highway.

The discussion starts at 8:30 with a district overview, including the mission, vision, belief, and theory of action; school board priorities; the strategic process and balanced scorecard; board of education norms, protocols, and procedures; and a proposal from school board attorney Chris Twyman regarding the board structure and terms.

At 1 p.m., following lunch and the superintendent’s mid-year evaluation, the discussion will turn to student achievement, staff development, stakeholder engagement, safety and operations.

Topics include House Bill 581, the budget, literacy, safety, the organizational efficiency and effectiveness accountability model, a calendar proposal for the 2026 school year, the facilities plan, and a strategic mental health overview.